
Knex(db: str, type_check: bool = False, complete: bool = True)

db: Path or File name of the database to use

type_check: Enables/Disables type checking on insert/update using the native Python types

complete (optional): Set to True to append ".db" to the end of file name. Set to False to disable this append.

Creates a connection to the Database, as well as prepares all the logging stuff. Retrieves all the tables schema information in first hand even if type_check is set to False.

Available Properties

db_tables -> Dict : Multi depth Dictionary with table name, field names and types

db -> sqlite3.Connection : Database connection

query_builder -> Querybuilder : Querybuilder instance

logger -> logging.Logger : Logging instance


from Knexpy import Knex

db = Knex("<db name>")

This Query Builder is only available for SQLite3